17M Raised to Power Us Forward


Without context, those numbers mean very little but they’re incredibly significant and represent where G+C has come from, where we’re at and the lofty goals we have our sights set on.

This week we closed our most significant fundraising round to date and we’re ecstatic to announce a €17 Million investment in G+C.

CastleGate Investments, led by Roy Barrett and Tommy Kelly, alongside California investment + marketing firm, West Ventures have joined the Gym+Coffee mission to Make Life Richer through a powerful community and the world’s best hoodies. With this huge vote of confidence, we’ve got the tools and strategy to propel us toward the future we know we can create.

Our Irishness can’t help but take a humble approach to this investment and we truly are hugely grateful for the position we find ourselves in.


We also want to take a moment to be proud at volume. There has been a HUGE amount of work that has gone on behind the scenes to get us to this point. The team that we’ve built and all the weird and wonderful people who’ve joined the G+C journey to date have played a crucial part in getting us to where we are. We wouldn’t be what we are without them. 

Most importantly, we want to say thank you! All the support we’ve received from our community - showing up to our events, wearing our gear, interacting on social, telling their mates about us, helping us become a carbon neutral business….it’s been insane. You all are the absolute business. 

Today is a day of celebration for us as we let the significance of this sink in. And tomorrow, we get up, we crush the first hour of the day and we get right back to work creating the world’s best hoodies for the world’s most connected community. 17 seems to be our lucky number.

For some official words from our CEO Niall and our new partners, see below.

Niall Horgan, CEO of Gym+Coffee said: “It’s been a rollercoaster for 5 years and we are really proud of what we’ve achieved so far. We have built a strong foundation, but we know we have loads to improve on to become a global player in this space. We have huge ambitions for Gym+Coffee. Our team and community have given us so much support to date and we want to make sure we match that support with a relentless drive to grow our business in a way that makes us and them proud.”

With this milestone investment, Gym+Coffee will be able to not only make strides in the UK market to develop relationships with sports organisations, athletes and health and wellness leaders, but also develop our sustainability initiatives.  Already carbon neutral, we pledge to utilise the funding to develop our  strategy further towards B Corp status.  

Speaking about the deal Roy Barrett of Castlegate Investments said “Gym+Coffee is already a fantastic Irish success story and an exciting brand with huge potential to be a global success story. Their product is best in class and the passion they have for their community is unique and genuine. We’ve been very impressed by the management team and their vision for the future, and we are delighted to help support them on the next stage of their journey.

Niall Horgan comments “Castlegate is a dream partner for us, they really believe in our vision and we know they will bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to Gym+Coffee that will be instrumental in the coming years. We are delighted to officially have them part of the Gym+Coffee team and we are very excited to work together.” 

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